What we're loving...

January 23, 2017

We love reading blogs posts on what people are currently loving and finds from around the interwebs, so we thought we'd put together our own list. Here are 7 things we are currently loving! We hope you enjoy and would love to know any items you'd add to this list?
1. This app is great for clearing a little space in your mind and giving you a much needed break throughout your day. If you have 10 mins, you can meditate! 
2. We are loving these leather elastics, they add a nice touch to a simple pony tail and help dress up your look when you're on day 4 of dry shampoo. They also double as a bracelet...genius! There are so many great items from this little Brooklyn store that we are drooling over!
3. We've always been huge fans of Kendra Beshk's keychains and this one is no different. Love the heart cut out! Perfect gift for Valentine's Day! She's added some really unique and awesome home items to her adorable store- Check it out!
4. Minimalist jewelry is our thing and these earrings add such a nice pop of color, it's hard to choose just one color. Kate from @kateandmoose, hand pours and creates each the color in her collection from scratch.  The process is amazing and worth checking out!
5. After a hard day of adulting this milk bath is the answer to all of our woes. Give us a glass of pinot and Coconut Milk Bath and we are in heaven!
6. A smoothie is our go-to breakfast food, but these bowls are our new breakfast goals! 
7. With spring just around the corner we are loving all the flats that are popping up, after all we each ditched heels 2 kids ago...these ones are currently our favs!
What items do you love?
Liz + Kylie

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